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Today is December 20, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lake, OH

location-map Lake , OH | (440) 693 2640

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Anchor Counseling Services is a Clinical counseling practice with two locations in Mentor and Westerville Ohio. We offer both Faith-Based and non-religious therapy, which is suited to the client's needs. Our staff believes in the inherent strength of all individuals to work toward wholeness and happiness. We recognize that starting the journey of counseling can be intimidating and scary. We work hard to provide a caring, safe, and comfortable environment where we use non-judgmental approaches in our care with clients. We offer art and play therapy, couple and premarital counseling, trauma work, grief related issues and behavioral concerns. Our counselors are trained in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental and emotional disorders, in addition to other counseling related disciplines.

location-map Lake , OH | (440) 290 6860

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location-map Lake , OH | (216) 350 7242

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I am Hillary Schultz, a clinician and owner of Progression Counseling Group. Individual services are available to those ages 5 and up. Teletherapy and in person sessions available at our Beachwood and Willoughby Hills location. Same or next day appointments are available. We work with individuals to help increase self-awareness/insight, facilitate growth, decrease negative patterns of thinking and behavior, and provide tools for better coping, functioning, and problem resolution. Visit our website to see staff bios and find a clinician who may be a good fit for you. View 12 Photos The therapy modalities used are all evidence-based and are often integrated and individualized, to meet your self-identified needs. The goal is for you to lead a more meaningful and productive life, and have increased autonomy and functioning. We enjoy providing a safe space where ALL are welcome and ALL will feel safe. We are anti-racist, LBGTQIA allied, sex and body positive, trauma informed, anti-oppressive, empathic, compassionate, inclusive, affirming, and nonjudgmental.We are experienced working with all ethnicities, nationalities, gender expressions, sexual orientations, alternative relationship styles, and religious/faith preferences. Please, come as you are.